Bristol Cabot Choir regards getting to know each other as part of the joy of belonging to a Choral Group.

The following provides information about our Musical Director and members of the Choir Committee.


Rebecca Holdeman is a professional classical musician, singing teacher and conductor of the renowned Bristol Cabot choir and the newly formed Brigstowe Consort.

Rebecca has conducted choirs since she was 19, in London, Cardiff and Bristol. She has conducted the Bristol Cabot Choir for 7 years, and really enjoys giving energetic and inspiring rehearsals. ‘I love getting the most out of our wonderful singers. Every week we use classical training as part of our rehearsal to really get the best sound. Although we have lots of fun, the choir members work hard with great enthusiasm, which means that by concert day the audience is in for a very special treat!’

In her spare time Rebecca is a vocal coach who teaches many students of different standards, and specialises in singers who are nervous about using their voice, or are anxious performing in front of people. ‘The voice is a real expression of who we are as a human being, and often that can leave us feeling exposed and vulnerable. I use a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming, advanced learning techniques and many years teaching experience to help a student overcome these hurdles’.

Part of Rebecca’s mission as a vocal coach is to use music to converse with those who find it hard to communicate. ‘Many of my students have disabilities or learning difficulties. I use music as therapy at the Avon Autistic Foundation in Shirehampton every week. We’ve found the sessions enable service users to  express their emotions freely, and communicate in ways that are often hard for them in everyday life. We have such a good time together, there is always a huge amount of fun and joy, and of course great music!’

Rebecca previously taught Key stage 3 and 4 music at St Bernadette’s Catholic School for 5 years. She then completed her Masters degree in Choral Conducting at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama whilst teaching A level Music and BTec Musical Theatre at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College.

‘People are always shocked at how busy professional musicians are. We tend to have careers that span teaching during the day time and performing at evenings and weekends in far flung places. This is why I practise Qi Gong every day, it helps me keep a feeling of peacefulness and balance, and a real sense of humour! I love what I do, sharing music with people every day is a real privilege and such a joy!’

In her spare time, Rebecca regularly gigs in Bristol, and sings with the BBC National Chorus of Wales in Cardiff. ‘The standard of the choir is so high, and we get to sing with the National Orchestra of Wales on a regular basis. Singing in the BBC Proms during the summer is a real highlight of this work, the promise of bumping into famous musicians in the green room at the Royal Albert Hall is far too enticing!’

For more information on singing or piano lessons with Rebecca, please visit her website: rebeccaholdeman.co.uk or email her at beccyholdeman@yahoo.com


Alison began learning to play the organ with Eric Hemery in Devon. She continued her studies with Dr. Peter Hurford at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated with BMus (London). In 1985 she won the Open Class, the Recital Award and the Michael James Scholarship in the West of England Organ Festival Competition held in Bath Abbey. Following a post-graduate year Alison was awarded scholarships by The Countess of Munster Musical Trust, The Tillett Trust and The Worshipful Company of Musicians to continue her studies with Jacques van Oortmerssen at the Sweelinck Conservatoire in Amsterdam and David Sanger in London. In 1987 Alison gained the Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists and won the prestigious Coventry Cathedral Recital Award for outstanding performance of the pieces. At this time Alison became a Licentiate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama on piano, passing with distinction.

Alison is based in Bristol where she works as a freelance musician. She frequently accompanies choral groups and soloists throughout the UK and Europe. Alison is currently the accompanist for Cheltenham Choral Society, the University of the West of England Singers, Redmaids’ High Junior School Choir and she was appointed as accompanist of the Bristol Cabot Choir with effect from January 2020. She has played for choral days with David Willcocks, John Rutter and Bob Chilcott and has accompanied Dame Felicity Lott in concert.

She is organist of St John the Baptist Church, Keynsham. With the choir there Alison has made numerous recordings (including programmes for BBC Sunday Half Hour), and has accompanied for tours and cathedral visits. She sings with the St John’s Consort; an “a cappella” group specialising in Tudor and Renaissance music.

As a recitalist she has played in many cathedrals, concert halls and churches. Recent venues have included Bath Abbey, Truro Cathedral, St Mary Redcliffe Church, Westminster Cathedral, Westbury on Trym Parish Church and the Central Freemason’s Hall. She is a member of the newly formed Society of Women Organists. Alison works as an examiner for the Royal School of Church Music and also teaches piano and organ. Her interest in music education led her to research interactions between sight reading ability in young pianists and variables including motor ability, handedness, reaction times and aural imagery ability to complete an MA at Reading University.

Bristol Cabot Choir Committee Members


Peter can be contacted on: chair@bristolcabotchoir.org



Anne can be contacted on: secretary@bristolcabotchoir.org


Jess can be contacted on: treasurer@bristolcabotchoir.org




All publicity enquiries should be emailed to publicity@bristolcabotchoir.org


Sue can be contacted on: concertmanager@bristolcabotchoir.org




Membership enquiries should be emailed to Kate on: sing@bristolcabotchoir.org
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Bristol Cabot Choir