We are a friendly auditioned choir, of varying ages, with almost 40 years experience of choral singing in Bristol. The choir’s repertoire embraces music from different centuries, from renaissance to brand new commissions.  Bristol Cabot Choir performs three concerts a year, at Christmas, Easter and in July.  Although our repertoire is predominantly classical, the Christmas concert includes some festive items and our summer concert is usually more light-hearted in content. We perform with professional soloists and orchestras and also have opportunities to work with vocal coaches from WNO and singers and composers from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.


Rehearsals are held on Mondays (7.30pm to 9.30pm) during school term-time at Redland Park United Reform Church, Whiteladies Road, Bristol.   The last two Monday rehearsals before a concert are slightly longer with the penultimate rehearsal finishing at 9.45pm and the final rehearsal finishing at 10.00pm.


Music is generally hired by the choir but you may sometimes be asked to purchase music (this generally happens once a year). Music folders will be provided for use at concerts.


The annual subscription is £175.00 for the current year payable in September.


Venues and dates for concerts will be announced as they are arranged. Normally there will be one concert at Christmas, one in Spring and one in early Summer. However, we are sometimes invited to sing in additional concerts. The choir usually rehearses once at the concert venue before a concert, either on the Saturday before or in the afternoon before the concert.


Women: wear a pair of full-length black trousers or skirt/dress, black tights/socks, long sleeved high neck black top (or dress)  and smart black shoes.
Men: wear Evening Dress (black tie) with pocket handkerchief. For our summer concert, black shirts are normally worn (no jackets).



Nominations for Charity of the Year are encouraged and sought from members of the choir and, following a short presentation by a representative of the charity concerned, are voted upon at the Annual General Meeting in October.  The chosen charity then benefits both from surplus funds generated by the choir's activities throughout the year and from door collections and donations at the concerts.


Bristol Cabot Choir is a registered charity, No. 1162680. and the annual Charity Commission return can be accessed via: Charity overview, BRISTOL CABOT CHOIR - 1162680, Register of Charities - The Charity Commission

The Choir Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Policies can be viewed under the public documents dropdown menu.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Bristol Cabot Choir